Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Voice Music: We arrived at our newly acquired estate in the early days of a new winter. 2/320


We arrived at our newly acquired estate in the early days of a new winter. To protect the expansion of the greater good, which our secret society co-facilitates, I am advised by the council of wisdom to avoid numerical references to exact dates and geographical positions. Thus, let me simply say that if the center of the Atlantic Ocean was the reference point to which other coordinates would be perceived, we were most certainly north east of such, by a recognizable distance.

We were in the lands where caribou are common sights during tides beyond that of just the Yule. There was an elaborate door handle which when turned made a squeak. Oddly, it was a pleasant squeak built of highly musical overtones. We enteredand before any candles or lanterns were lityou illuminated the place with your presence.

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